Friday, October 25, 2019

Revenue Without Risk

Smart investments aren’t the only way to make money with crypto currencies. People who know their stocks make big money by investing, but furthermore, they also profit by sharing their knowledge and experience and guiding other investors.  

Investor have multi-channel revenue systems providing them with income and facilitating their trades. What channels do they use? Here’s a list of just some examples: 

1.    Analytics Research Groups
Providing signal subscriptions

much like eToro’s  ‘copy trades’ feature we spoke about earlier, traders can set up their own version of this to notify traders exactly when and where to move their money but by doing this through a private channel, they can charge subscribers a fee for their services.  To check out an example of this head to elevate crypto currently.

2.    CreatingVideos
Using video sharing sites like YouTube, traders can make videos about market updates or general walk-though videos and if they build up enough traction and a wide audience they could land themselves a sponsorship deal with an affiliate link, or collect ad revenue by allowing ads before or during their videos.  Some streaming sites even provide revenue to content creators just for making their videos (depending on number of views and subscriber count) For more details on this check out the video below by BRIGHT SIDE.  This will then provide them with another profitable revenue stream. 

3. Self-Investment
Another stream is simply just using their knowledge on themselves and reinvesting their revenue into the markets.  

.   I look forward to your future engagement with me on my blogging journey, please feel free to drop a comment below and stay tuned for my updates!

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